MFA Thesis Exhibition
March 18-26, 2016 in the University Museum, Faner Hall, SIU Carbondale.
The Neoterics explores the spiritual embodiments of 21st century culture by creating a collection of sights, sound and other sensory experiences that are symbolically representative of this new Pantheon and its mythology. It examines the human quest for stability (survival, community, and mental/physical/financial stability) in a world of constant change.
The Neoterics are the embodiments of this human endeavor, and the balance that must be found to maintain the manifestation of stability in contemporary human lives.
The installation represents The Neoterics (through various media such as sound, print, projection and sculpture) as the culmination of past, present and the dreams of a better future; the essence of which is distilled from the traditions, histories and philosophies found in the vast collection of the world’s diverse cultural folklore, fables and fairytales.